The Countdown for Contestants Is Fast Approaching
That’s right folks out there in romance land! The Countdown for Contestants Is Fast Approaching as in March 31, 2023 is the last day to apply for the 2023 National Excellence in Romance Fiction Awards. The trophy’s are cute, the prestige is even better and of course it is a great item to add to your writing resume. Besides which you will get featured on all of our social media pages, in our newsletter and those will open up even more opportunities for you to share your great stories with more people from all around the World.
Yes, our social media pages are seen all over the world as well as our main website. You just never know which piece of marketing is going to be the one that puts you over the top. For those who are traditionally published we like you too. We are sure your agents and publishing house appreciate your efforts in getting their names out there should you win!
Visit the application page, fill in the online form and pay your entrance fee. The rest is up to us and our great legion of volunteers who will be reading all the entrants stories and voting on their favorites. NERFA Entry Form